
Chinese version only. The content of this page does not provide English version.

二零二三年九月 第二期



近年人工智能的應用在影像分析或學習上有明顯提升,不用再下載不同類別的軟件,基本上,由細至單細胞的微生物,到肉眼僅見的蜘蛛,或者大型的哺乳類動物,只要是生物都能夠透過分析影像,從而根據前人所載入的影像和確認的資料,不斷學習和改善辨別的準確度。分享一下最近的例子,同事在校園梯間發現一隻細小的昆蟲,第一眼看到只知道是甲蟲,再用微距鏡頭拍下估計是一隻天牛,但自己以前是未有記錄過的。昔日,我一定會嘗試翻開《香港天牛》一書去找尋答案,但今次我便把照片上載到兩個軟件(Google Lens和iNaturalist),Google Lens得出數種相似影像的天牛,有Caribbomerus elieri, Stenhomalus taiwanus, Beraba angeli and Beraba limpida,若果仔細將每一個結果放大,再檢視相片中的天牛特徵,不難排除 CaribbomerusBeraba,得出臺灣突眼天牛 Stenhomalus taiwanus

另外,iNaturalist除了根據視覺上的相似度作辨識外,也會利用地理資訊確認 Stenhomalus 是在附近已經記錄過,直接鎖定到屬的辨別。人工智能除了會透過更多的相片分析該物種的外貌特徵外,這個平台也會加入專家確認的元素,將「研究等級」的內容成為資料庫的重要依據和學習對象。因此,我只用了短短幾分鐘時間,便可以確認是恆春突眼天牛/ 台灣突眼天牛 Stenhomalus taiwanus





顯微成像教師工作坊 Microscopic Imaging Teacher Workshop


Microscopic Imaging Teacher workshop


Date: 14th Oct, 2023 (Saturday)

地點: 嗇色園主辦可觀自然教育中心暨天文館- 顯微成像科技學習中心

Venue: Ho Koon Centre, 101 Route Twisk, Tsuen Wan, N.T.

(http://www.hokoon.edu.hk/contact-us/ for map and transportation methods)


Program schedule:

9:15-9:30 登記Registration

9:30 – 12:00


Microscopic Imaging Teacher workshop

9:30- 10:40 & 10:50-12:00


Divide the teachers into two groups (Group A & Group B)

  1. 拍攝水生微生物和SEM示範Photography of aquatic microorganisms, SEM (MITLC)
  2. 製作臨時玻片觀察細胞分裂Preparing temporary mounted slide for mitosis observation (Laboratory)

10:40- 10:50 小休與兩組互換Break and swap


2022 / 2023 Senior Secondary Biology Field Trip


Online Learning Platform for Biology Field Study


HKNEAC opens an online learning platform account for teachers and students participating in the course. Before participating in the course, students may log in to the platform to learn more about relevant knowledge, concepts, and skills, and complete the quizzes. The platform will automatically record the learning progress and scores of each student so that teachers can keep track of the learning situation of each student.


Depending on the needs of teachers and students, teachers participating in the courses may choose from the following learning methods:

  • Watch the video clips and collect data (students learn by themselves without the restriction of time and space)
  • ZOOM live-streaming (collecting data during the field trip, performing statistical analysis, or conducting report review as scheduled)
  • Face to Face Courses (half-day field trip within HKNEAC or 1~3-day field trip off campus)

 Topics for Half-day Courses inside Ho Koon Centre:

  1. The symbiotic world
  2. Exploring microhabitats
  3. Big secret of the cow dung microhabitat
  4. Electron microscope eco-exploration
  5. Microscope eco-exploration
  6. Interesting ecology in the litter

Other Conventional Habitat-Focused Topics:

  1. Study of a freshwater stream ecosystem
  2. Study of mangrove ecosystem
  3. Study of rocky shore ecosystem
  4. Study of sand flat ecosystem

9. Study of rocky shore ecosystem

2022 / 2023 Senior Secondary Biology Field Trip

Other Conventional Habitat-Focused Topics

9. Study of rocky shore ecosystem

The rocky shore has a unique zonation pattern, as well as many different microhabitats. During the field trip, the students use a belt transect to record the distribution of animals, measure abiotic factors, and learn about how organisms adapt to the harsh environment of rocky shores.

Field Site: Tung Wan, Ma Wan

Download field trip worksheet (PDF): Rockyshore

Online Learning Platform for Biology Field Study


HKNEAC opens an online learning platform account for teachers and students participating in the course. Before participating in the course, students may log in to the platform to learn more about relevant knowledge, concepts, and skills, and complete the quizzes. The platform will automatically record the learning progress and scores of each student so that teachers can keep track of the learning situation of each student.


Depending on the needs of teachers and students, teachers participating in the courses may choose from the following learning methods:

  • Watch the video clips and collect data (students learn by themselves without the restriction of time and space)
  • ZOOM live-streaming (collecting data during the field trip, performing statistical analysis, or conducting report review as scheduled)
  • Face to Face Courses (half-day field trip within HKNEAC or 1~3-day field trip off campus)

10. Study of sand flat ecosystem

2022 / 2023 Senior Secondary Biology Field Trip

Other Conventional Habitat-Focused Topics

10. Study of sand flat ecosystem

A sand flat ecosystem is a lesser-known habitat. In addition to living on the sand, there are also many strange creatures lurking in the sand. Students systematically record changes in biotic and abiotic factors with the belt transect method to learn about how organisms are distributed and adapted.

Field Site: Ting Kok East, Tai Po

Download field trip worksheet (PDF): SandFlat

Online Learning Platform for Biology Field Study


HKNEAC opens an online learning platform account for teachers and students participating in the course. Before participating in the course, students may log in to the platform to learn more about relevant knowledge, concepts, and skills, and complete the quizzes. The platform will automatically record the learning progress and scores of each student so that teachers can keep track of the learning situation of each student.


Depending on the needs of teachers and students, teachers participating in the courses may choose from the following learning methods:

  • Watch the video clips and collect data (students learn by themselves without the restriction of time and space)
  • ZOOM live-streaming (collecting data during the field trip, performing statistical analysis, or conducting report review as scheduled)
  • Face to Face Courses (Full Day Course outside HKNEAC or 1~3-day field trip off campus)

8. Study of mangrove ecosystem

2022 / 2023 Senior Secondary Biology Field Trip

Other Conventional Habitat-Focused Topics

8. Study of mangrove ecosystem

Mangrove stands is one of the most well-known coastal habitats. Students can learn how to identify different true mangroves and mangrove associates as well as diversified animals living in the inter-tidal zone. Students can also measure various abiotic factors of the habitat. By observing the distribution and adaptive features of the animals and plants, students could better understand the relationships between the physical environment and living organisms.

Field Site: Sai Keng, Sai Sha Road/ Ting Kok, Tai Po

Download field trip worksheet (PDF): MangroveEcosystem

Online Learning Platform for Biology Field Study


HKNEAC opens an online learning platform account for teachers and students participating in the course. Before participating in the course, students may log in to the platform to learn more about relevant knowledge, concepts, and skills, and complete the quizzes. The platform will automatically record the learning progress and scores of each student so that teachers can keep track of the learning situation of each student.


Depending on the needs of teachers and students, teachers participating in the courses may choose from the following learning methods:

  • Watch the video clips and collect data (students learn by themselves without the restriction of time and space)
  • ZOOM live-streaming (collecting data during the field trip, performing statistical analysis, or conducting report review as scheduled)
  • Face to Face Courses (Full Day Course outside HKNEAC or 1~3-day field trip off campus)

7. Study of freshwater stream ecosystem

2022 / 2023 Senior Secondary Biology Field Trip

Other Conventional Habitat-Focused Topics

7. Study of freshwater stream ecosystem

Students visit the typical upper stream for observing and recording animal and plant species and measuring the abiotic factors. Water samples are taken for chemical analysis. In the course, students are able to understand the functioning of an ecosystem.

Field Site: Tai Kiu, Tai Mo Shan

Download field trip worksheet (PDF): StreamEcosystem

Online Learning Platform for Biology Field Study


HKNEAC opens an online learning platform account for teachers and students participating in the course. Before participating in the course, students may log in to the platform to learn more about relevant knowledge, concepts, and skills, and complete the quizzes. The platform will automatically record the learning progress and scores of each student so that teachers can keep track of the learning situation of each student.


Depending on the needs of teachers and students, teachers participating in the courses may choose from the following learning methods:

  • Watch the video clips and collect data (students learn by themselves without the restriction of time and space)
  • ZOOM live-streaming (collecting data during the field trip, performing statistical analysis, or conducting report review as scheduled)
  • Face to Face Courses (Full Day Course outside HKNEAC or 1~3-day field trip off campus)

6. BioBlitz

2022 / 2023 Senior Secondary Biology Field Trip

Full Day Course outside Ho Koon Centre

6. BioBlitz

Students use different methodologies such as belt transect, point count, quadrant count and active searching etc. to assess the biodiversity at the field site. The pros and cons of different methods can be learnt and their appreciation of nature will be enhanced.

Field Site: Tsoi Kuk Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre/ Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve/ Tsuen Kam Nature Trail

Download field trip worksheet (pdf): BioBlitz

Online Learning Platform for Biology Field Study


HKNEAC opens an online learning platform account for teachers and students participating in the course. Before participating in the course, students may log in to the platform to learn more about relevant knowledge, concepts, and skills, and complete the quizzes. The platform will automatically record the learning progress and scores of each student so that teachers can keep track of the learning situation of each student.


Depending on the needs of teachers and students, teachers participating in the courses may choose from the following learning methods:

  • Watch the video clips and collect data (students learn by themselves without the restriction of time and space)
  • ZOOM live-streaming (collecting data during the field trip, performing statistical analysis, or conducting report review as scheduled)
  • Face to Face Courses (full-day field trip or 1~3-day field trip off campus)

5. Microscope eco-exploration

2022 / 2023 Senior Secondary Biology Field Trip

Field Course in Ho Koon Campus

5. Microscope eco-exploration

Students examine different water samples they collected from HKNEAC under the compound microscope and observe them with dark-field microscopy, phase contrast microscopy, and other microscopy imaging techniques. In addition to learning about freshwater microbiology, students also master the operating methods of advanced compound microscopes.

Download field trip worksheet (PDF): microscopicworld

Online Learning Platform for Biology Field Study


HKNEAC opens an online learning platform account for teachers and students participating in the course. Before participating in the course, students may log in to the platform to learn more about relevant knowledge, concepts, and skills, and complete the quizzes. The platform will automatically record the learning progress and scores of each student so that teachers can keep track of the learning situation of each student.


Depending on the needs of teachers and students, teachers participating in the courses may choose from the following learning methods:

  • Watch the video clips and collect data (students learn by themselves without the restriction of time and space)
  • ZOOM live-streaming (collecting data during the field trip, performing statistical analysis, or conducting report review as scheduled)
  • Face to Face Courses (half-day field trip within HKNEAC or 1~3-day field trip off campus)

4. Electron microscope eco-exploration

2022 / 2023 Senior Secondary Biology Field Trip

Field Course in Ho Koon Campus

4. Electron microscope eco-exploration

HKNEAC has an advanced electron microscopy, allowing students to use ultra-high magnification to learn about the organ structure of different organisms, such as plant pollen and spores, or compound eyes, mouthparts, and feet of small insects.

Download field trip worksheet (PDF): electron_micro_eco_exploration

Online Learning Platform for Biology Field Study


HKNEAC opens an online learning platform account for teachers and students participating in the course. Before participating in the course, students may log in to the platform to learn more about relevant knowledge, concepts, and skills, and complete the quizzes. The platform will automatically record the learning progress and scores of each student so that teachers can keep track of the learning situation of each student.


Depending on the needs of teachers and students, teachers participating in the courses may choose from the following learning methods:

  • Watch the video clips and collect data (students learn by themselves without the restriction of time and space)
  • ZOOM live-streaming (collecting data during the field trip, performing statistical analysis, or conducting report review as scheduled)
  • Face to Face Courses (half-day field trip within HKNEAC or 1~3-day field trip off campus)