
2009年初美國進行提名比賽讓學生為最新的火星探測器命名,最後由當時12歲的小六學生馬天琪(Clara Ma) 在九千多份參賽名字中以「好奇號」勝出,並親身到工場為漫遊車寫上名字及簽名留念。

“Curiosity is an everlasting flame that burns in everyone’s mind. It makes me get out of bed in the morning and wonder what surprises life will throw at me that day. Curiosity is such a powerful force. Without it, we wouldn’t be who we are today. When I was younger, I wondered, ‘Why is the sky blue?’, ‘Why do the stars twinkle?’, ‘Why am I me?’, and I still do. I had so many questions, and America is the place where I want to find my answers. Curiosity is the passion that drives us through our everyday lives. We have become explorers and scientists with our need to ask questions and to wonder. Sure, there are many risks and dangers, but despite that, we still continue to wonder and dream and create and hope. We have discovered so much about the world, but still so little. We will never know everything there is to know, but with our burning curiosity, we have learned so much.”
大意為:「好奇心是每個人心中永不熄滅的火焰,它讓我每天醒來也期盼著生命中驚奇的事。它是強大的力量,沒有它,就沒有今天的我們。我從小至今也在想很多問題:「為甚麼天空是藍色的?」、「為甚麼星星會閃?」、「為甚麼我是我?」而美國是我找尋眾多問題答案的地方。好奇心是推動我們活著的熱情,發問和好奇使我們成為開拓者和科學家。雖然會遇上險阻和危機, 我們仍會好奇、夢想、創作和盼望。我們已發現這個世界很多事,但還是十分有限,我們不可能得知所有事,但懷著一直燃燒的好奇心,我們已學會了很多。」